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The tofu is saying that they are yummy."
The tofu is saying that they are yummy."
Ahhh..I came back after cooking Steamed Tofu for my dinner. Haha. No rice. No sauce. Just Steamed Tofu. Hmmm. People tells me that steamed tofu has no taste but I'm used to it.
When I am on a diet, I just cook and eat it. I prefer it to be my snack, lunch, dinner but not for breakfast.
I don't eat breakfast. I don't have an apetite to eat every morning so I eat every past 8 or 9 in the morning.
I am on a diet now. I told my mom to buy Tofu because that will be my food for this week. Haha. No taste but makes you full. Hmmm. After eating, I opened my blog again to share my diet. Haha.
I really love tofu. Sometimes I ook tofu chips. I slice it thinly then deep-fry to oil. After that I drain it on tissue papers. Then eating time..Haha.
For my steamed tofu, I also slice it thinly then boil water. After that I set the strainer when I see bubbles on the water(which means it's already boiling). Then I am placing my thinly sliced tofu and cover the wok. I waited for 3-4 mins on each side then wahaha eating time again.
I am trying to make a sauce for my tofu but now now because I still enjoy my simple tofu. Haha.
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