I'm having my research on the net about my Research Papers. Like I said my topic is about Daydreaming and I want to know the reasons why we daydream. I also want to know the effects of it to us and if possible the meaning of it.
I'm doing my "taking down notes" by copying and pasting and including the sites and the people involved.
Actually, daydreaming is a not so related topic to my course which is Hotel and Restaurant Management but I really want that topic.
Now, I had scanned many things about daydreaming and I found a site about a survey in Daydreaming...
I answered 12 questions and the result is:
You spend less time than the average individual ‘lost in thought’ or mind-wandering.
You use your mind-wandering time wisely! You spend more time than the average individual planning or problem-solving while daydreaming.
You spend more time than the average individual planning and anticipating events in the impending future (i.e., you are a planner).
You are a social butterfly! You tend to think about your interactions with other people more than the average daydreamer while absorbed in internal thought.
Your daydreams are more creative than most.
There is the result..so?..I'm a planner..hehe..And my daydreaming something is creative..hahaha
I'm really excited about my research..^^
BTW: To go to the site of that survey just click this title:
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